Clinic Procedures – Things to Know

For everyones safety, we have implemented the following procedures to comply with CDC and government guidelines to ensure we are operating a safe practice. Please review these prior to scheduling and arriving for your appointment.

  • Patients are asked to stay home if they are experiencing illness, are having symptoms of flu or virus, have been confirmed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days, or have had any contact with someone who has been confirmed with COVID-19 in the last 14 days.  Additionally, those with compromised or weak immune systems or other conditions such as obesity, diabetes and heart disease are encouraged to stay home a bit longer.  I advise telehealth sessions and herbal medicine for these patients.
  • Upon scheduling your appointment, you will receive screening questions via email. I require that you answer these questions before your appointment.
  • I will be wearing a mask and ask that you do as well.  If you do not have one, or if you forget, I will give you a disposable mask, but I have a limited supply, so please bring your own if possible.
  • I will only have one person in the clinic at the time and there will be no waiting in the lobby.  I ask that you wait in your car or outside on the porch until I come to get you.  I also ask that you have family members and visitors wait for you in the car or outside unless you require their assistance.
  • Please use the hand sanitizer in the lobby or treatment room when you arrive and when you leave, or use the sink in the restroom to wash your hands. Then head straight to the treatment room.
  • Patients will have their temperature taken and will be screened for COVID-19 upon arrival. No patient will receive a treatment if their temperature is over 99.2 degrees Fahrenheit.
  • I am implementing higher level cleaning practices – I will have HEPA air cleaners with UVC sanitization in each treatment room and will sanitize EVERYTHING that is touched between treatments.  I will alternate treatment rooms so there is adequate time for air cleaning and sanitation.
  • I am allowing additional time between patients for sanitizing rooms, and to give me a breather from wearing a mask.
  • I will offer limited appointment times due to the number of appointments I can accommodate with new procedures.  This will all be new to me too, and I appreciate your patience as I dive into this new way of working.

Please feel free to call, email or text me with any questions or concerns.