Wellness@Home – Yintang for Stress Relief

My patients frequently ask if there is anything they should be doing at home to improve their health.  Many times I’ll recommend diet and lifestyle changes, breathing exercises, yoga or qigong.  Today I want to share an acupressure point that you can do at home to calm you down when you are feeling stressed.

Yintang  is one of the most widely used acupuncture points for calming the mind, relieving anxiety and grief,Yintang improving sleep and reducing headaches and nasal congestion.  It is located between the eye brows. Use the tips of the first and middle fingers to very gently massage this area in a circular motion for a couple of minutes when you are feeling stressed. As you massage, allow all the muscles of your forehead to soften and relax (saying “ahh” can be useful here).

More ideas about how to manage stress.