Happy Chinese New Year!

Chinese New Year is on Tuesday, February 1st. Also known as the Lunar New Year or Spring Festival, Chinese New Year is celebrated at the second new moon following the Winter Solstice. This festival marks the end of winter and the beginning of a long-awaited spring.

As I do with each Chinese New Year, I share the Chinese Astrological predictions for the coming year. My favorite astrologer and fellow acupuncturist, Lillian Bridges, passed away last year and I really miss hearing her predictions for the coming new year. This year I have gathered predictions from several sources(including one of her colleagues) to share with you. I find these entertaining and enjoy looking back at the previous year’s predictions to see if they were indeed accurate. Please don’t hold me to these predictions!

2020 was was about survival, and 2021 was about anchoring ourselves in a new reality which the pandemic has definitely brought about. 2022 is about setting a new direction.

Year of the Black Water Tiger

According to Chinese astrology, 2022 will be the Year of the Black Water Tiger. The tiger denotes strength, vitality and growth. These are qualities that will hopefully serve us well as we look to move past the uncertainty the last 2 years has wrought.

The Year of the Tiger will be about making big changes. This will be a year of risk-taking and adventure. We’re finding enthusiasm again, both for ourselves and for others. Everyone is fired up, generosity is at an all-time high and social progress feels possible again. The Black Water Tiger implies the arrival of the God of the Wealth, so 2022 is a great year to start a business or career goal. It is a time for decision and action and a time to begin manifesting what you would like to happen over the next 10 years.

The Tiger is associated with Yang (masculine, active) energy. Tigers are also quick to take action, so be prepared in 2022 for situations to change quickly. On the down side, this can mean hot tempers and drama at home or at work. On the up side, a Tiger year can also bring unexpected good news and turn crazy dreams into glorious reality. Some of us will thrive through taking great leaps, while others might crash and burn. So while it’s important to follow our intuition and run with our wildest dreams, that means we also have to keep our egos in check seeking a balance between courageous leadership and compassionate humility.

Water years restore fluidity to our lives. While fear and resistance might crop up, by being mindful to tune into your inner wisdom you can flow with the changes presented in the tiger year. Here’s wishing you positive energy as you embark upon a brand new journey, with hope and confidence in 2022.