Boost Your Immune System Now

Did you know that Acupuncture and Herbal Medicine is great for boosting your immune system?

With Covid still hanging around, we need to continue to be vigilant about keeping our immune system in good shape. The after effects of this virus (and others) are no joke! Acupuncture and Chinese herbs before the cold weather hits can make a huge difference toward this goal.

photo of woman in red long sleeve shirt who has a cold or flu
Photo by Andrea Piacquadio on

A healthy balanced body has a strong and effective immune system. Long term stress, recurring infections, excessive use of medications like antibiotics or chemotherapy, surgical operations or traumatic life events can lower our immune system and compromise how our bodies response to pathogens.

Acupuncture and herbal medicine can strengthen our immune system so it is more resistant to pathogens – this is true preventive medicine. Regular acupuncture treatments, particularly during the late summer and fall, will support and strengthen immunity. Scientific research has determined that acupuncture plays a role in boosting the body’s immune system by enhancing the production of natural killer cells, the primary defense mechanism against organisms that make us sick. It also acts to regulate white blood cells directly linked to the fight against infections, allergic reactions, and even autoimmune disorders.

What to do if you become sick?

If you begin to feel the symptoms of illness, cold or flu coming on, it is important to contact us right away so that we can address it at the very early stages before the illness has taken hold.

Herbal medicines help resolve the illness quickly so it doesn’t become a deeper disease, such as a sinus infection, bronchitis or pneumonia. Many Chinese herbs have anti-viral, anti-bacterial, anti-inflammatory and anti-microbial properties and have been shown to reduce the frequency of colds and bacterial infection in the respiratory tract, and regulate the immune system. Chinese herbs also do not typically have side effects such as drowsiness, elevated blood pressure and pulse rate, anxiety or nervousness, difficulty sleeping, and others that are associated with over-the-counter and prescription medications.

Studies have shown that patients receiving acupuncture have elevated immune-enhancing hormones and blood counts for up to three days after treatment. Acupuncture and herbs can:

  • Help you get over a virus faster if you already have it
  • Reduce chills, fever and body aches
  • Relieve sore throat, cough and congestion

Don’t wait until you are sick to benefit from the immune-boosting benefits of acupuncture and herbal medicines. Go on the offensive and begin regular acupuncture visits now as part of your preventative regimen to ward off those winter bugs.