New Year Resolution Help is Here!

Well, we made it through 2024. And now, on to 2025!  Do you need a little help to make those New Year’s Resolutions a reality? Acupuncture just might be able to help. Here are a couple of the most common resolutions and how acupuncture might help you stick to them.

New Year New Me

Resolution: Get Motivated to…(insert resolution)

Whether its exercising more, eating less, curbing alcohol use, or quitting smoking, we all have probably made a similar resolution each and every year. And they are all great goals!  How can acupuncture help you in achieving success in your endeavor?

  • Acupuncture is a great treatment for sore muscles or joint pain following a hard workout—the kind of pain that may prevent you from sticking to your workout regimen.
  • Acupuncture can help with motivation. When making our resolution, we are excited and determined to see it through.  But once the new year arrives, we get caught up with overwhelm and the reality that the holidays are over.  We struggle to get motivated and it’s difficult for us to move forward with our plans.  From an Chinese Medicine perspective, this is often caused by energy being stuck in the body. And guess what?  The best thing to help unstick energy is… movement!  Acupuncture gives you a little jumpstart by getting energy flowing in the body.  This gets us unstuck on a mental/emotional level, too.

Oh and a little hint: We are supposed to hibernate during the winter, and we do better starting new things in early spring, when mother nature triggers all things to “spring forward”. So start planning in January how you will make it happen, and consider late February/early March for your “go date”.

Resolution: Try Something New

Have you ever tried acupuncture before? Have you ever been asked to take a look at your health in a completely new way? Acupuncture presents a very unique understanding the body and how the world around us plays a part in our health.  You’ll get a different perspective on things you can do to head off any illness in a preventative way rather than having to go to the sick-care way with medications (although we can help then too). Aiming for a lifestyle of prevention and wellness first, before something goes wrong is what we want.

Give us a call if you’d like some help making 2025 the best year ever!