Welcome back!
The clinic reopened a month ago and all has been going well. Everyone seems genuinely happy to be coming back in for treatments and I’ve gotten good feedback on the new scheduling system. I know I am happy to be back doing what I enjoy.
I’m still following all of the CDC recommendations which means I’m limiting the number of people who are in the clinic at any one time and am doing extensive cleaning and letting the rooms air out between patients. The down side of this is that I can’t treat as many people and the wait list is growing. Appointment times fill up quickly. I ask for your patience and help with booking.

If you need a specific day or time, it’s best to book early. If you need to cancel, please give me as much notice as possible so that I can accommodate someone on the wait list. I appreciate your help!
Hopefully, in another two weeks or so, I’ll feel confident that it’s okay to open up more appointment times, and get the schedule back to normal. Hopefully!