5 Ways Chinese Medicine Helps Relieve Acid Reflux

Acid reflux is a common condition that affects millions of people worldwide. I see it frequently in my clinic. Sometimes called GERD or Heartburn, it is characterized by a painful and burning sensation in the upper abdomen and chest that occurs when stomach acid moves back into the esophagus. If there is a lack of stomach acid required to break down food in the stomach, that food can back up into the esophagus. It can leave you with a sore throat, burning in the mouth and even a bad taste in the mouth. If you suffer from acid reflux, you know it can be difficult to find relief. Many medications either don’t work or must be taken long term. Left unresolved, acid reflux can injure the esophagus which may require surgery.

Chinese Medicine views acid reflux as “counterflow qi” where the energy of the stomach is going up instead of down as is normal. This can be due to stress, diet or heat. We work to get the energy going down, resolve the effects of a poor diet and to cool the heat. Here is some recent research on the topic.

Here are 5 ways that Chinese Medicine can alleviate symptoms and treat acid reflux.

  1. Acupuncture: Acupuncture can help reduce stress and anxiety levels, which can contribute to acid reflux symptoms. It may also improve digestion and increase blood flow to the digestive organs, which can alleviate symptoms.
  2. Herbal Medicine: Herbs are also commonly used in Chinese Medicine to treat acid reflux. Some of the most commonly used herbs include ginger, licorice root, and peppermint. Ginger has anti-inflammatory properties that can soothe the esophagus and reduce irritation. Licorice root can help soothe the stomach lining and improve digestion. Peppermint has a relaxing effect on the muscles in the digestive tract, which can alleviate symptoms of acid reflux. We typically combine one or more of these herbs in the herbal formulas I prescribe or as part of an herbal tea blend.
  3. Diet: Dietary recommendations are another important aspect of Chinese Medicine for acid reflux. In Chinese Medicine, we use food as medicine. Certain foods are considered to be beneficial for digestion and can help alleviate acid reflux symptoms. These include cooked vegetables, leafy greens and lean protein. On the other hand, foods that are considered to be detrimental to digestion include spicy, fried and greasy foods, acidic foods like caffeine, tomatoes and citrus, alcohol, and processed foods that are high in carbs.
  4. Exercise: The practice of Qigong or Tai chi can also be beneficial for acid reflux. These are mind-body practices that involve slow, gentle movements, breathing techniques, and meditation. They can help reduce stress levels and promote relaxation, which can alleviate symptoms of acid reflux. Additionally, Qigong can help improve circulation and stimulate the digestive system, which can improve digestion and alleviate symptoms.
  5. Massage: Lastly, there are various massage techniques in Chinese Medicine that can help alleviate symptoms of acid reflux. One such technique is abdominal massage, which involves gentle pressure and circular motions applied to the abdomen. This can help improve digestion and alleviate symptoms.

Chinese Medicine offers a natural approach to treating acid reflux that targets the root cause of the problem. Acupuncture, herbs, dietary recommendations, exercise, and massage techniques can all be used to alleviate symptoms and improve digestion. By incorporating these practices into your daily routine, you can achieve a long-lasting, natural solution to acid reflux.

If you’re ready to feel relief from acid reflux, give us a call to schedule an appointment to come in. I’d love to help you find the right combination of acupuncture, herbs, food therapy, exercise and massage that can give you lasting relief without medications!